新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2018ChinaJoy暴雪展台精彩无限 参与游戏试玩赢精美周边

2018ChinaJoy暴雪展台精彩无限 参与游戏试玩赢精美周边

2018 chinajoy blizzard booth this brilliant game demo win elegant surrounding

2018-07-30 00:00:00来源: 人民网

一年一度的ChinaJoy又将到来,今年的暴雪游戏展台准备了丰富的试玩活动等你来体验!想要抢先试玩《魔兽世界》、《炉石传说》的全新版本吗?想和真人大小的“猎空”雕像合影吗?那就快来加入我们吧!此外你还能感受到真实还原的游戏场景,并参与丰富的试玩活动赢取精美礼品! 抢先试玩《炉石传说》全新版本 感受砰砰博士的实验室 在今年ChinaJoy暴雪游戏展台,你可以提前进入砰砰博士的实验室,感受《炉石传说》全新扩展包“砰砰计划”!同时,我们还在试玩区开启了精彩绝伦的“威兹班大挑战”,想要秀出你的实力?那就快来一展身手吧! “神奇的威兹班”是“砰砰计划”扩展包中的一张新橙卡,在你构筑卡组的...

The annual ChinaJoy will come again, this year's blizzard game booth prepared rich try activities waiting for you to experience! Want to try first world of warcraft, the new version of the journal BFS legend? Want to and a life-size statue of the "empty" hunting group photo? Then come and join us! In addition you can feel the real reduction of game scene, and the exquisite gift to participate in the activities of rich try to win! First to try the BFS legend new version Dr Pop's laboratory At this year's ChinaJoy blizzard games booth, you can advance popping into the lab of Dr., feeling the BFS legend new expansion pack plan "pop"! At the same time, we are still in the demo area opens the wonderful "wizz class challenge", want to show off your strength? It will quickly shot! "" magic wizz class is" pop plan "a new orange card in the expansion pack, in your building card group...