新关注 > 信息聚合 > 遇上这样的老师,你上课还敢睡觉?!


In such a teacher, you still dare to sleep in class? !

2016-12-30 19:05:45来源: 中国青年网

上学的时候我们一定有这种体会,有些老师的课,就是用来睡觉的,而有些老师的课,无论怎样集中精力,就是没办法让自己不睡着啊有木有! 有位网友就用自己的笔记,生动形象的展示了他在课堂上与睡神作斗争最终...

We must have this kind of experience at school, some teachers in the class, is for sleeping, and some of the teacher's class, no matter how to focus on, just couldn't let himself did not fall asleep! There is a net friend with her notes, vivid image shows the he in the classroom to fight sleep god eventually...