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Who is the ancestor of mobile game? "The snake" is not the first mobile games

2016-09-28 19:02:47来源: 新浪

【TechWeb报道】9月27日消息,在很多人眼中,《贪吃蛇》绝对算的上首款手游。不过,研究发现,《贪吃蛇》并不是手游界的开山鼻祖,在它之前,就已经有数款游戏成功进驻手机了。 其实,早在《贪吃蛇》诞生前,一款名为Hagenuk MT-2000的手机就预装了著名的《俄罗斯方块》游戏。而...

【 】 TechWeb reported on September 27, news, in many people's eyes, "the snake" is the first mobile game. However, the study found that the snake is not mobile game takes, before it has been several game success in mobile phone. In fact, as early as before the birth of "snake", a named Hagenuk MT - 2000 mobile phone with the famous game of tetris. And...

标签: 手游 游戏