新关注 > 信息聚合 > 像素世界里的魔兽史诗《魔兽守卫军》安卓版即将..


World of Warcraft pixel epic "world of Warcraft" guard in the Android version of upcoming..

2015-03-13 05:51:32来源: 4399

相信在许多80、90后的小伙伴们心里,街机游戏一直都是童年暖暖的回忆。无论在什么时候,都陪伴着我们一步步成长。由饭团游戏和莱玩游戏联手发行的竞技策略塔防手游《魔兽守卫军》即将在4月登陆安卓平台。 《魔兽守卫军》这款竞技策略塔防手游安卓版即将上线,我第一时间想到的是童年时代的街机游戏,《...

believed in many 80, 90 after friends heart, arcade game is always warm memories of childhood. No matter what time, will accompany us grow up step by step. By Rice and vegetable roll game and play defense Mobile Games Lai "competitive strategy game Warcraft jointly issued" guard in the upcoming landing in April, android. "World of Warcraft" competitive strategy of the guard tower Mobile Games Android version coming on line, the first time I think of the childhood arcade game, "...

标签: 安卓