新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《爵迹》热映话题不断 林允完美附体天束幽花

《爵迹》热映话题不断 林允完美附体天束幽花

"Jue mark" hit subject possessed Lin Yun perfection day bouquet of flowers

2016-10-10 15:18:15来源: 华龙网

林允海报 片方供图 华龙网10月10日11时30分讯(记者 董进)中国首部真人演出的CG奇幻巨制《爵迹》自上映以来吸引了观众和媒体的多方关注。该剧以特殊的拍摄方式,打造出一个现实中无法实现的特殊...

Lin Yun posters party for the figure China work on October 10, 11 at dispatch (reporter Dong Jin) China's first human performance of CG fantasy blockbuster "jue mark since release has attracted much attention of the audience and the media. The play in a special way, cannot create a reality of special...