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电影《爱在前方》在东营取景拍摄 关注当下社会问题

The film "love in the front" in dongying shot Focusing on the present social problems

2016-10-06 21:12:38来源: 大众网

在电影《爱在前方》特别出演渔夫的著名演员尚铁龙(右)与著名演员贾二娃对剧本。记者 延智 报道 电影《爱在前方》拍摄花絮。记者 延智 报道 电影《爱在前方》拍摄花絮。记者 延智 报道 电影《爱在...

In the film "love in the front, especially in the fisherman's famous actor is TieLong (right) with the famous actor jia Eva to the script. Reporter delay intelligence reports the trivia of filming the love in the front. Reporter delay intelligence reports the trivia of filming the love in the front. Journalist reports delay wisdom the movie love in...

标签: 电影