新关注 > 信息聚合 > 挣扎在最低工资怎么破?中业兴融教你玩转低薪生活


Struggling in the minimum wage how broken? Life extracted industry hing will teach you how to play the low pay

2017-07-26 14:00:55来源: DoNews


Recently, the media released across the country, minimum wage standard. Compared with last year, although the rise fall, but around the minimum wage has been raised, including the highest minimum wage in Shanghai, reached 2300 yuan. Struggle but a member of ordinary workers, especially in the north of guangzhou, white-collar workers, if their income, the sum of spending enough, then raised the minimum wage does not make the quality of life improved, and probably also in the minimum wage standard struggling. Therefore, financial management is one of the compulsory courses in today's society. With the rise of the Internet financial, financial management is simple and feasible. So, wandering in the minimum wage standard of ordinary workers have to learn to financial management, in the minimum wage will not run into the morass of laze, let income no longer limited to the number on, create more disposable money. However, for "precious little money", they say, choose a comfortable and safe financing platform is very...