新关注 > 信息聚合 > 魅蓝5今日发布配置全曝光:6GB内存 599元起

魅蓝5今日发布配置全曝光:6GB内存 599元起

The spirit's blue 5 published today has all the exposure: 6 gb of memory, 599 yuan

2016-10-31 10:21:47来源: TechWeb

很多人调侃魅族新品发布会已经变成演唱会,而魅族今天也将放出杀招:在北京放羊公社鸟巢南广场举行“天猫魅蓝之夜演唱会”,顺便发布一款新品魅蓝5。 魅蓝5已经出现在工信部网站上,配置也已一览无余:5.2...

Many people poking fun at the meizu launch has become concert, meizu today will be sent out to kill recruit: the flock in Beijing commune nest south plaza "Tmall spirit's blue night concert", a new product released by the spirit's blue 5. Spirit's blue 5 has appeared on the ministry website, configuration has take in everything in a glance: 5.2...