新关注 > 信息聚合 > 双德合砍48分马刺28分狂胜猛龙 洛瑞三分7中0

双德合砍48分马刺28分狂胜猛龙 洛瑞三分7中0

ShuangDeGe 48 points 28 points stomp the raptors Lowry three points 7 0

2017-01-04 13:16:32来源: 华体网

1月4日 NBA常规赛,东西部第2名之争,马刺主场以110-82狂胜猛龙。马刺三节后就领先30分,阿德和莱昂纳德合砍48分,而洛瑞仅得6分,创赛季新低。 莱昂纳德率队取胜 本场技术统计 马...

On January 4, the NBA regular season, the second battle in the east and west, SAN Antonio blew out the raptors 110-82. The spurs 30 point lead after three quarters, adebayor and Leonard had 48 points, and lori only 6 points, a new low season. Leonard rate team to win This statistic The horse...