新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曼联1亿标王武装色硬化!穆帅最想要这样的他


Manchester united has 100 million armed hardening colors! Jose mourinho he wanted

2016-10-21 11:30:23来源: 新浪

博格巴状态回勇 新浪体育讯 欧联杯,曼联4-1大胜费内巴切。此前一直被英媒批评低迷的博格巴终于找回了些状态,他在比赛当中完成了梅开二度,进攻端的表现非常出彩,依稀找到了当年在尤文图斯巅峰的感觉,...

Pogba status back to yong Dispatch of sina sports Europa league, Manchester united 4-1 victory over fenerbahce. Had been depressed being criticized by the British media pogba was finally found some state, he finished a brace in the game, the offensive end performance very give prize, township of the feeling of that year at Juventus peak,...