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鹿豹座发现两个神秘黑洞 迸射超强X射线

Camelopardalis found out two mysterious black hole super X ray

2014-12-24 23:21:09来源: 科技讯

科学家发现了遥远星系中两个神秘黑洞迸射出超级“明亮”的X射线,强大的辐射源位于距离地球大约700万光年的鹿豹座,科学家们将这样的天体称为超高X射线源,其产生于黑洞周围发生的事件中,而我们的银河系中就充满了恒星级黑洞,该黑洞形成于单一恒星的死亡坍缩,恒星为12倍太…… 【科技讯】12月...

scientists found two mysterious black hole burst out super "bright" X ray in distant galaxies, camelopardalis radiation powerful source located at a distance of about 7000000 light-years from earth, scientists will this day body called the ultra high X ray source around the black hole, born in the event, and we the Milky Way system is filled with stellar black holes, the collapse of the black hole are formed on a single death star, star is 12 times too...... [news] December science and technology...