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历经10年打磨 《暗黑破坏神 2》模组变独立游戏

After over 10 years grinding diablo 2 modules become independent games

2018-12-04 00:00:00来源: 人民网

“Median XL”是个由玩家Brother Laz 打造的《暗黑破坏神2》模组,从2008 年便持续的进行更新,针对游戏中的各个设计、技能和玩法做各种扩充改良,也是不少玩家相当喜爱的热门模组,而在经历了10年持续不断的更新后,该模组也达到了一个新的境界。 该模组在近期释出了新的更新预告,不过这次已不再单纯是个模组,反而变成一个独立游戏。该模组的创作者在 2012 年便发起了一个命名为“Sigma”的计画,尝试打造一个强化游戏引擎来扩大 Median XL 的各种可能性,而上方的影片便是他们努力多年后的结果。 《Median XL:Sigma》除了新增高解析度、大量新技能、大量新物...

"Median XL" is created by the player Brother Laz diablo 2 modules, from 2008, continuously updated, every design, skills, and play in the game against doing all kinds of expansion, is also a lot of players quite favorite hot module, and after 10 years continuously updated, the module is also reached a new level. The module in the recently released new update forecast, but this time is no longer a pure module, instead become a independent games. The creator of the module in 2012 launched a project named "Sigma", trying to build a strengthen game engine to enlarge the possibilities of Median XL, and at the top of the film is the result of their efforts for many years. "Median XL: Sigma" in addition to the new high resolution, a large number of new skills, lots of new things...

标签: 游戏