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人物|火箭斗牛犬的成长之路 要做后卫版罗德曼

Character rocket bulldog growth path To do guard rodman

2016-12-28 07:45:44来源: 新浪

贝弗利 “我是全联盟最好的防守后卫,你可以问任何球队,任何教练、任何球员,他们会告诉你真相,今年,我是联盟最好的防守球员。”贝弗利这番嚣张跋扈、霸气外泄的宣言,是这些年对自己在防守端的玩命态度的...

Beverly "I am the best defenders in the league, you can ask any team, any any players, coaches, they will tell you the truth, this year, I am the league's best defensive player." Beverly's arrogance and leaked out of the declaration, the attitude is hard on the defensive end to myself over the years...