新关注 > 信息聚合 > 我们的电梯“换心手术”圆满收官啦


Our elevator "in heart surgery" complete MSC

2016-06-14 06:57:29来源: 杭州网

蓝桥名苑15幢一单元已置换改造后的电梯房。记者 李忠 摄 记者 孙钥 脚底下,铺着崭新的大理石;往上看,液晶屏幕上播放着电梯安全常识;顶上灯光,漂亮而透亮;环视四周,厚实的不锈钢轿厢像镜子一样照...

Blue courtyard building a 15 units have replacement after transforming the elevator room. The reporter Sasihorfswe perturbation reporter sun key under the soles of the feet, clad in a brand new marble; Look up, the LCD screen with the elevator safety common sense; The top light, beautiful and bright; Thick stainless steel capsules, glancing around like a mirror shine on...