新关注 > 信息聚合 > 京沪高铁上也能刷支付宝了 将覆盖117个高铁站

京沪高铁上也能刷支付宝了 将覆盖117个高铁站

Also can brush pay treasure on the beijing-shanghai high-speed railway Will cover 117 high-speed

2016-08-10 10:50:35来源: 亿邦动力网


Beginning from today, in the Shanghai hongqiao railway station and take the beijing-shanghai Gao Tieshi consumer also can brush pay treasure. On August 10, Shanghai railway bureau and pay treasure to reach cooperation, national railway first mobile payment platform of centralized cashier formally launched in hongqiao train station. More than 100 stores on the same day, hongqiao railway station and Shanghai railway operation of more than 20 on the beijing-shanghai high-speed railway train, you can use pay treasure to consumption, "smart business travel" a new experience. Under the jurisdiction of the future, Shanghai railway operation and 14 high-speed lines and 117 high-speed rail station, program will fully support pay treasure. High-speed rail gradually into the net Yangtze river delta, Shanghai railway administration at 04:38 has the beijing-shanghai, shanghai-nanjing, shanghai-hangzhou, hangzhou, shanghai-hangzhou-ningbo and blessing, ning an article 14 117 high-speed and high-speed rail station, on an average day arrival and send the passenger volume of about 3 million people, including high-speed rail passenger about 2 million people. High-speed rail station business area of nearly 80000 square meters, with...