新关注 > 信息聚合 > 4.26魅蓝E2这新机,可能连魅友都觉得尴尬


4.26 incarnate this new blue E2, may even feel embarrassed meiyou

2017-04-14 00:00:00来源: 人民网

4月12日,魅族正式向各大媒体发出了魅蓝E2新品发布会的邀请函,确定了魅蓝E2将于4月26日在北京·北京演艺中心发布。而这次魅蓝E2的邀请函十分独特,除了基本的时间地点信息外,还抛出了一道选择题“你选择删除谁?” ,在Home键、听筒、后置摄像头、闪光灯这四个部件中选其一,看来魅蓝E2是要在外观上大做文章了。 依据邀请函,有网友猜测魅蓝E2会将取消圆腰的mBack按键回归经典的小圆全,不过此前魅族小圆点Home键并没有指纹识别,这样看来魅蓝E2在指纹识别上将会使用新技术,或为玻璃下指纹键? 不过很快本人就对自己的爆料进行否认,并称自己也是被带坑了去了,看来喜欢小圆点的魅粉要失望了,并...

On April 12, meizu formally issued to each big media the charm of blue E2 launch invitations, determines the spirit's blue E2 in Beijing on April 26, Beijing center for performing arts. And the invitation of the spirit's blue E2 is very unique, in addition to the basic time location information, but also throw a choice "who you choose to delete?" , in the Home button, the receiver, the rear camera, flash choose one of the four parts, it incarnate the volume of E2 is in appearance. According to the invitation letter, some netizens speculation spirit's blue E2 will cancel out round the waist mBack YuanQuan button to return to the classic small, but the Home button has no fingerprint identification, meizu dots so it incarnate the E2 in fingerprint recognition will be using the new technology, or for glass fingerprints? But I soon began to deny their own fact, and said he too was taken pit, it seems like small dot point of powder to be disappointed, and...