新关注 > 信息聚合 > 韦宪钱夺金腰带不满表现 阿兰虽败得一致赞扬

韦宪钱夺金腰带不满表现 阿兰虽败得一致赞扬

Gold belt WeiXian money discontent Alan is praised for the loss

2016-10-22 07:06:23来源: 新浪

二人激烈对抗 新浪体育讯 10月21日,在宁夏银川镇北堡温泉度假小镇内的西夏盛世剧场,举行了统一润滑油WBA中国机构宁夏战的比赛。在今年贺岁杯骨折、休养了9个月的前WBC下属ABCO和EPBC洲...

Heated confrontation Sina sports - on October 21, in ningxia yinchuan ZhenBeiBao hot spring resort town of xixia times theatre, held a unified lubricating oil WBA Chinese institutions in ningxia war game. At this year's lunar New Year fracture, recuperation of the nine months before the WBC ABCO and EPBC chau...