新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网络女主播吞药自杀 情绪失控被送医后仍直播遭怒喷

网络女主播吞药自杀 情绪失控被送医后仍直播遭怒喷

Network anchorwoman swallow medications to suicide Emotion was hospitalized after spray still live in anger

2016-05-21 10:10:30来源: 爱哈密网

导读:原标题:网络女主播吞药自杀 情绪失控被送医后仍直播遭怒喷,随着网络直播的兴起,很多人想尽各种办法来为自己的主播拉拢人气,甚至有人直播造人以及飙车等,而近日台湾一名游戏美女主播更疯狂,直接在平台上直播吃药割腕自杀,令人唏嘘的是,后来在其被送至医院救治时竟然也不... 免责声明来源为...

Takeaway: the original title: network anchorwoman swallow medications to suicide Emotions out of control after being hospitalized still live by nu spray, with the rise of network broadcast, many people tried all ways to anchor for his wooing popularity, some even live made man and racing, and recently Taiwan female anchors a game more crazy, live directly on the platform to take medicine to cut wrist suicide, sorry, later when it is sent to the hospital was also not... Disclaimer source for...

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