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Android 6.0 棉花糖系统全面上手评

Android 6.0 cotton candy system comprehensive started rating

2015-10-19 13:40:55来源: TECH2IPO创见

安卓 6.0 棉花糖系统(Marshmallow)拥有许许多多新特性,以至于我迟迟找不到它们背后那条统一的原则。在某一瞬间,我突然顿悟:答案就是谷歌那个色彩斑斓的新 logo。谷歌抛弃了以往那个幼稚的涂鸦字体,而转用更严谨克制的字体,但仍五彩斑斓,就像你破天荒开始穿正装了不过依旧系了条嬉皮领带。尽管众口难调,谷歌依旧希望通过改 logo 这么大胆的举动让我们了解它成长的决心。谷歌的新 logo 和麦克风抢占了主屏幕非常显眼的位置,每当你按下 home 键准备使用棉花糖的主推功能 Now on Tap 时,那个彩色的 G 都会默默地注视着你,不管你正开着什么 App,谷歌都静静等着你说话,好让它...

Android 6.0 cotton candy system (marshmallow) have allowed many new features that I can not find them behind the principle of unity. In a moment, I had an epiphany: the answer is that the new logo Google colorful. Google to abandon the past the childish graffiti font, and switch to a more rigorous restraint font, but still colorful like you unprecedented began to dress up the but continued to be the hippie tie. Although Google still hopes to change Tastes differ all tastes., logo such a bold move to let us know about the growth of its determination. Google's new logo and microphone to seize the main screen is a very prominent position, whenever you press home key to use the main push function Now on Tap, the color of the G will be silently watching you, no matter what you are driving a App, Google are quietly waiting for you to speak, so that it...

标签: Android