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弟子给叶瑾泳池边过生日 宁泽涛粉红贺卡显温情

Disciple Ye Jin pool birthday Ning Zetao pink card show warmth

2015-04-17 10:39:19来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 “生日愿望啊,大家开开心心吧,只要运动员肯努力、还需要我,我一定帮助他们实现他们的愿望。”被众多弟子围绕着,在赛场上度过59岁生日的叶瑾教练动情向新浪体育说道。 4月16日,全国游泳冠军赛暨世锦赛选拔赛在宝鸡收官。而这一天正好是海军游泳队总教练兼队长叶瑾的生日。晚上的比赛...

Sina Sina sports dispatch "birthday wish ah, everyone happy, as long as the players work hard, still need me, I will help them realize their aspirations." Many students around, spent 59 birthday in the arena of love to coach Ye Jin said Sina sports. In April 16th, the National Swimming Championships and World Championship trials in Baoji ending. This day happens to be the Navy swimming team head coach and captain Ye Jin's birthday. The play tonight...