新关注 > 信息聚合 > 娱乐圈女明星老公实力大比拼(多图)


Entertainment female star husband strength competition (multigraph)

2015-09-26 10:29:39来源: 新华报业网

大S牵手汪小菲 大S雨汪小菲预计在明年年初举行婚礼,汪小菲还专程从国外为大S订制了价值不菲的婚戒。作为京城四少之一,汪小菲是“俏江南”集团老板张兰的独子,有着6年留法深造的背景,现任俏江南集团执...

Hsu hand Wang Fei Hsu rain Wang Fei is expected to wedding held at the beginning of next year, Wang Fei also made a special trip from abroad for large ordered expensive wedding ring. As the capital of one of the four little, Wang Fei was "South Beauty Group boss Zhang Lan's only son, a 6 years in France to study background, the current South Beauty Group hold...