新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《王者荣耀》将率先启动最严实名 接入公安

《王者荣耀》将率先启动最严实名 接入公安

The king of glory will lead the most sealed access to public security

2018-09-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

9月6日,腾讯宣布,经过历时数月的开发与测试,腾讯将于下周对《王者荣耀》的健康系统再次全面升级。 从届时起,新用户在首次进入游戏时,会启动最严格的实名策略,接入公安权威数据平台进行校验。该项校验能够精准判断相关帐号的实名信息是否为未成年人,进而决定是否将此帐号纳入到健康系统的防沉迷体系中。 本次升级由于涉及游戏客户端的版本更新,根据iOS版本的审核结果,预计将于9月15日前后正式启动,并于9月之内完成最严格实名策略对于《王者荣耀》全部新用户的校验。 腾讯表示,此前,公安权威数据平台主要应用于金融、信用、政务等对征信安全要求极高、身份识别最为严格的行业,在其他业务领域尚未普及。本次《...

On September 6, tencent announced that after months of development and testing, tencent will next week to the health of the king of glory system comprehensive upgrade again. Since then, new users in the first time into the game, will start the most rigorous real-name strategy, access to the public security authority check data platform. The check can accurately judge whether the real-name information of the related account for minors, and then decide whether to include this account in health system anti-addiction system. This upgrade because of game client version update, according to the results of the iOS version of the audit is expected to be formally launched after the September 15, and in 9 months to complete the most rigorous real-name policy for the king of glory all new users to check. Tencent, said after the public security authority data platform is mainly used in financial, credit, government affairs whose safety requirements such as high, identity recognition, the most stringent industry is underdeveloped in the field of other business. This "...

标签: 王者荣耀