新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2017年:区块链与加密货币“追逐者”玩命的一年


In 2017: currency block chain and encryption "chasing" a hard year

2018-02-07 11:58:00来源: 品途网

来源:区块链大本营 作者:杨哲豪 区块链的相关行业在2017年各有酸甜苦辣,从Google搜寻趋势可以观察到,大众对区块链信息的渴求程度,已经大于单纯的比特币、以太币等加密货币信息。 大家开始对区块链相关技术产生兴趣的原因,是因为加密货币的交易热潮。但这种热潮有益有弊,它吸引更多投资为导向的散户投入市场,却也同时散布出某种非理性的投机氛围。这导致各国政府在2017年,为此热潮纷纷祭出了管制手段。 政府介入 首先是公有链比特币的部分,中国的比特币交易所上半年突如其来地宣布暂停提币,主要是根据监管部门“比特币交易平台不得违反国家有关反洗钱、外汇管理和支付结算等金融法律法规”的要求。在此禁令之前,...

Source: block chain base author: Yang Zhehao block chain related industries have suantiankula in 2017, from the Google search trends can be observed that the public thirst for block chain information, has been more than a simple currency and the Ethernet information encryption, such as currency. Everyone began to take an interest in block chain related technical reasons, because encryption currency trade boom. But this kind of boom beneficial disadvantages, it attract more investment oriented retail market, but also spread out some irrational speculative atmosphere. This has led to governments in 2017, boom are offering out of the control measures for it. Government intervention was part of the chain of public COINS first, in the first half of China's currency exchange suddenly announced the suspension of the coin, mainly according to the regulatory authorities' currency trading platform shall not violate the relevant state anti-money laundering, foreign exchange management and payment and settlement of financial laws and regulations "requirements. Before the ban,...

标签: 区块链