新关注 > 信息聚合 > 盛和游戏全新“蓝月”手游即将面世 腾讯独家发行强强联手

盛和游戏全新“蓝月”手游即将面世 腾讯独家发行强强联手

Sheng and new game "blue moon" mobile game forthcoming Tencent's exclusive distribution combining

2019-01-24 00:00:00来源: 人民网

近来,恺英网络携旗下盛和游戏、九翎网络发布多款2019游戏新品,其间盛和游戏研制的“蓝月”手游和“征程”手游方案于2019年Q2内推向商场。这其间最引人瞩目的就是“蓝月传奇”手游,该游戏现已承认将由腾讯游戏独家代理发行。 用立异精品重塑经典,腾讯独代发行“蓝月”手游 此前盛和游戏页游产品由“渣渣辉”等明星带动、发明全民论题,取得玩家广泛好评。现盛和游戏抓住时机,发挥游戏研制优势,倾力献上全新的重磅产品“蓝月”手游。据悉,新产品由盛和游戏“蓝月”项目团队原班人马全新打造,完美交融RPG与动作玩法,整个游戏运用盛和游戏原创资料,并引进全新引擎,倾力打造一部史诗级高水平的游戏新作。 此次...

Recently, kai ying e1000 &e2000 sheng and games, nine of its network publishing more than 2019 game product, meanwhile sheng and game development "blue moon" mobile game and mobile game "journey" plan in 2019 in Q2 to the mall. In the meantime the most impressive is the "blue month legend" mobile game, the game has been admitted by tencent sole agent issue. With different fine remaking classic, tencent generation issue "blue moon" mobile game alone Page after sheng and games swimming products invented by "Tony fai" stars such as driving, the thesis made the player to wide acclaim. Game sheng and seize the moment and giving full play to the advantages of game development, bend force to offer new blockbuster "blue moon" mobile game. It is understood that the new products by the sheng and the game of "blue moon" project team player-wise, new building perfect blend RPG game with the action, the whole game use sheng and the original data, and introduce a new engine, bend force for a epic high levels of the game. The...

标签: 手游 游戏 腾讯