新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新的时代开始:LV今日开始在国内网上卖手袋


A new era: LV started selling handbags at home online today

2017-07-20 16:57:22来源: 亿邦动力网

新的时代毫不留情地开始了,全球最大的奢侈品集团LVMH旗下核心的奢侈品牌LV今日正式在中国推出在线购物服务。据微信公众号每日时尚要闻独家消息,LV在其中国官方网站推出的线上选购服务的囊括了当季所有系列产品,并涵盖手袋、鞋履、成衣、珠宝和香水品类,还包括品牌与波普艺术大师Jeff Koons的联名合作系列LV x KOONS。不过,目前仅提供北京、上海和广州等12个城市的网上购物服务,并非所有商品都能邮寄,部分需要店铺取货,在价格方面则跟实体店店铺没有区别,付款方式支持支付宝但不支持微信支付。有分析指,随着消费者的消费习惯逐渐向线上转移,奢侈品牌将更加重视并加速在电商市场的布局,但依然比较谨慎,...

Relentlessly began a new era, the world's biggest luxury group LVMH, the core of luxury brand Louis vuitton today launched online shopping service in China. According to number WeChat public daily fashion news exclusive news, LV on its official Chinese web site launched online service covers all series of products in the quarter, the choose and buy and handbags, shoes, clothing, jewelry, and perfume category, include brand and pop art master Jeff Koons joint cooperation of the series of LV x Koons. However, currently only provide 12 cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and guangzhou online shopping service, not all goods can mail, some need to store pickup, with entity shop shop there is no difference between them at the price, payment support pay treasure but does not support WeChat pay. Analysis means, as consumer spending habits gradually shift to online, luxury brands will pay more attention to and accelerate the layout of the dealer market in electricity, but is still cautious,...