新关注 > 信息聚合 > 华为、腾讯就用户微信数据起冲突,双方互不相让


Huawei, tencent is user WeChat data conflict, both sides to outdo each other

2017-08-04 09:20:51来源: DoNews

DoNews8月4日消息 (记者 费倩文)3日晚间,据《华尔街日报》消息,中国最大的科技巨头华为和最大的互联网巨头之一腾讯就用户数据使用一事起了争执。双方目前互不让步,腾讯已向监管部门投诉华为,而华为方面则认为产品通过检测,不存在争议。据媒体报道,华为、腾讯双方纠纷起因源于华为旗下互联网手机品牌荣耀在2016年12月发布的荣耀Magic手机,目前该款手机可根据微信聊天内容自动加载地址、天气、时间等信息;通话、购物等时候也能提示相关服务信息,这些均是华为与科大讯飞、高德、支付宝、携程等APP深度合作研发的结果。但据华为内部人士称,与其他互联网公司的合作都很顺畅,只有微信一直再艰难沟通。不久前,微...

DoNews8 4 news (reporter FeiQianWen) 3 night, according to the Wall Street journal, China's biggest technology giant huawei and one of the biggest Internet giant tencent over use of the user data. Sides were mutual concessions, tencent has complain to the regulators of huawei, while huawei think product through the test, there is no dispute. According to media reports, huawei, tencent disputes resulted from huawei, the Internet phone brand glory glory Magic handset released in December 2016, at present, according to WeChat chat content is that the phone will automatically load the information such as address, weather, time; Phone, shopping and so on can also prompt the relevant service information, these are huawei and hkust xunfei, Scott, alipay, ctrip APP depth cooperation such as research and development results. But, according to the insiders huawei cooperation with other Internet companies are all very smooth, only WeChat has been difficult to communicate. Not long ago, micro...

标签: 腾讯