新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陈乔恩周迅孙菲菲 女星红毯摔跤竟是刻意?

陈乔恩周迅孙菲菲 女星红毯摔跤竟是刻意?

Joe Chen Zhou Xun sun Feifei carpet actress wrestling unexpectedly is deliberately?

2015-08-10 21:46:20来源: 新华报业网

陈乔恩 红毯摔倒对女星来说有时是噩梦,有时是抢镜手段。陈乔恩早前在参加2012华娱卫视亚洲十大红人盛典时,踉跄摔倒,成功抢镜,一时间所有目光、所有镜头都对准了陈乔恩,成为全场焦点的陈乔恩对自己的...

Joe Chen red carpet fell to actress sometimes is a nightmare, sometimes steal the spotlight means. Jon earlier in participating in ten Asian toast ceremony of 2012 China Entertainment TV, stumble and fall, successfully steal the spotlight. For a time, all eyes, all of the scenes are aligned with the Joe Chen, become the focus of audience Jon Chan on their own...