新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网易首款H5手游《悟空归来》即将上线


Netease's first H5 Mobile Games "Wukong returns" about on-line

2015-09-16 21:20:49来源: 4399

网易首款HTML5放置类RPG《悟空归来》将于近期开启封测,《悟空归来》是网易首创点击+挂机式玩法,金牌团队精心打造的放置类HTML5游戏,以西游为背景,融入多种玩法,带你领略别样西游! 《悟空归...

Netease's first HTML5 placed RPG "Wukong returns" will soon open beta, "return" is the first click Netease Wukong + hook style gameplay, the gold medal team meticulously placed HTML5 games, journey to the background, in many ways, bring you a taste a different kind of journey to the west! "Wu gui...

标签: 手游 网易 H5