新关注 > 信息聚合 > 专访奕秋资本郑旭:将关注大消费和科技创新两大赛道


Interview yi qiu capital Zheng Xu: to pay attention to consumption and science and technology innovation contest of two big ways

2018-09-05 11:57:26来源: DoNews

群星资本、多牛传媒和奕秋资本主办的“2018群星MARS 创新创业大赛”于2018年8月30日正式启动。会后,奕秋资本创始合伙人郑旭接受了DoNews专访,对区块链、风口论、奕秋资本的投资方向和标准等问题发表了自己的看法。郑旭作为联合创始人,在2017年成立奕秋资本管理有限公司。奕秋资本专注于消费与科技领域早中期企业投资,侧重于智能、大数据等符合国家政策导向的优质公司及创业团队。此前,郑旭曾任凯兴投资总经理,领导投资了“观典防务”、“多牛传媒”、“客如云”等企业,有着丰富的互联网行业投资经验。从年初的直播答题到后来的区块链,2018年出现的风口和热点被连续“证伪”,至今尚未有一个明确的风口出现...

The stars, many media and yi qiu capital sponsored "2018 stars MARS innovation entrepreneurship competition" launched on August 30, 2018. After the meeting, yi qiu capital founding partner Zheng Xu accepted DoNews interview, to block chain, tuyere theory, yi qiu capital investment direction and standards published their own views. Zheng Xu as co-founder in the yi qiu capital management co., LTD. Was established in 2017. Yi qiu capital focus on consumption and middle areas of science and technology enterprise investment, focus on intelligence and big data conforms to the national policy guidance quality companies and entrepreneurial teams. After Zheng Xuceng Ren Kaixing investment, managing, leading investment concept of "the defense", "more cows media", "guest as a cloud", and other enterprises, has a wealth of experience in investing in the Internet industry. Live the answer eventually blocks from the beginning of the chain, in 2018 the tuyere and hot spot is continuous "falsified", a clear tuyere has yet to come...