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萌萌宠物乐无穷 仙侠世界捕捉风来袭

MOE of pet joy is boundless XianXia incoming wind in the world

2016-02-26 12:41:13来源: 新浪

唯美清新网游《仙侠世界》里的的宠物绝对会让无数小伙伴们大赞,只因它们实在长得太萌太可爱啦。不仅如此,它们还拥有着不俗的战斗力能够陪伴主人一起在战场相爱相杀哦。如此必备的“萌萌哒”小伙伴,仙友们可必须捕来一只携带在身边呢! 悬壶妙境可是萌萌的宠物们栖息的天堂。这里气候宜人、环境优雅,生...

Only beautiful pure and fresh and online game "XianXia world" in the pet will definitely make countless friends praised, because they grow too sprout so cute! Not only that, they also have the good effectiveness to accompany the owner on the battlefield together slay love oh. So the necessary "cute" buddy, fairy friends can must be a catch to carry around! Practise medicine scenic spots but MOE of the paradise of the pets live. The pleasant climate, the environment elegant, raw...