新关注 > 信息聚合 > 人人车与滴滴达成战略协议 将在售后服务、新车交易等领域展开合作

人人车与滴滴达成战略协议 将在售后服务、新车交易等领域展开合作

All cars and drops a strategic agreement Will be trading in areas such as in after-sales service, a new car

2018-03-01 09:00:09来源: DoNews

DoNews 3月1日消息(记者 向密) 人人车宣布与滴滴出行达成合作协议,双方将联手为滴滴平台上的车主提供包括二手车、新车在内的车源和用车解决方案。 同时,双方还计划联手进军新车交易领域。滴滴拥有超过4亿出行用户和超过2100万车主,对于新车交易而言,这是规模最大同时也是最为精准的目标客户。此外,双方还将在汽车售后服务领域展开深度合作,滴滴“小桔车服”今年计划在全国范围内落地汽车维修保养店,人人车将全面对接小桔车服的维保服务。 人人车CEO李健表示:“随着双方的合作不断深入、生态持续升级,人人车在二手车、新车交易以及售后服务领域将取得越来越大的竞争优势,我们也将一如既往,提升运营效率,为用户...

On March 1, DoNews news (reporter to close) all cars with drops travel cooperation agreement, the two sides will jointly provide drops on the platform of the owner, including second-hand car, a new car, car options and solutions. At the same time, the two sides also plan to move to new car trading together. Travel drops, has more than 400 million users and more than 21 million owner, for the New Deal, it is the largest and most accurate target customers. In addition, the two sides will also depth cooperation in the field of auto after-sales service, drops "little orange car" across the country this year plan landing vehicle maintenance shop, all cars will be fully butt little orange car maintenance services. All cars CEO li said: "with the cooperation of both sides, ecological continue to upgrade, all cars in the field of used cars, new car trading and after-sales service will make more and more competitive advantage, and we will, as always, improve operational efficiency, for the user...