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日系手游大作《幻影纹章》 新官网今日重磅上线

Japanese mobile game masterpiece "the phantom of arms" new blockbuster online website today

2016-07-15 14:02:02来源: 多玩游戏

炎炎夏日,美少女大云集,助力清凉一夏!今日,由DeNA中国代理、著名动画导演押井守监修的日本超人气3D美少女战略RPG战棋类手游《幻影纹章》全新官网(pok.mobage.cn)重磅上线,同时为符合国家的最新用词要求,“杀戮幻影”官方今正式命名为《幻影纹章》。 众多任天堂经典的《火焰...

Sorching summer, beautiful girl, help a cool summer! Today, by DeNA China agent, famous animation director oshii obey supervisor Japan wildly popular 3 d mobile game strategy RPG war chess is a beautiful girl "the phantom of arms" new website (pok. Mobage. Cn) blockbuster online, at the same time to conform to the requirements of the country's latest words, "the phantom of the killings" official today officially named "the phantom of arms". Many of the classic nintendo flame...

标签: 手游