新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《说个戏》第十二期英雄篇:拯救世界的英雄


"Said a play" dozenth period hero article: save a hero of the world

2015-05-14 02:24:44来源: 178游戏网

一周都能看个啥系列 话说《复仇者联盟2》在国内已经上映了,排着队伍赶着首映看得小伙伴不计其数,其中就包括小野妹子的同事。(看完首映,半夜两点回家,然后第二天继续上班也是满拼的~ 拼归拼,复仇者联盟系列的口碑(或者说就是美国的那些盖世英雄……一向是不错的,主要归功于各大英雄的精彩表...

a week can see a series of what the saying "the Avengers 2" in China has been released, row team to catch a premiere see countless small partners, including Ono sister's colleagues. (after the premiere, two in the middle of the night to go home, and then the next day to continue to work is full of fight ~ spell return fight, the Avengers series of word of mouth (or the heroes of earth...... Has always been good, mainly due to the great hero of the wonderful table...