新关注 > 信息聚合 > 拆解汽车电商老大难问题:车享网否定这些模式


Dismantling the Big Dilemma of Automobile E-Commerce: Vehicle Enjoyment Network Negates these Models

2016-07-23 11:21:00来源: 亿邦动力网

“汽车主机厂(指相对于汽车行业零部件供应商而言的汽车整车制造厂)和互联网之间有一堵很大的墙,这堵墙是汽车行业积累多年才形成的,掺杂了很多利益关系在里面,现在想突破这堵墙是很难的。”在亿邦动力网近期的“电商一小时”微信沙龙上,上汽集团旗下车享网品牌公关部副总经理浦明辉这样感叹道。车享品牌公关部副总经理主机厂和互联网中间隔了一堵墙 汽车电商与线下汽车经销商的利益冲突问题,基本上是行业公认的一个待解难题。上汽集团当然不例外,2014年3月正式成立了汽车电商平台“车享网”后,一直在面对这样的问题,浦明辉也不回避这一点。“主机厂的车并不是直接卖给消费者,中间还夹着经销商。对于主机厂本身来讲,它做的更像是...

"There is a big wall between the automotive main engine factory and the internet, which has been accumulated for many years by the automotive industry and has been mixed with many interests. It is very difficult to break through this wall now." Pu Minghui, deputy general manager of the public relations department of Shanghai Automobile Group's car-sharing network brand, sighed at the recent "e-commerce hour" Weixin Salon of Yibang Power Network. The conflict of interest between the automobile e-commerce and off-line automobile dealers is a problem that is generally recognized as an unsolved problem in the industry. SAIC Group is no exception, of course, since the formal establishment of the automobile e-commerce platform "Car Enjoyment Network" in March 2014, has been facing such problems, and Pu Minghui has not evaded this point. "The main engine factory's cars are not sold directly to consumers, and there are dealers in the middle. For the main engine factory itself, it does more like ____________

标签: 电商