新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【2月中药行情】白前吴茱萸缺货大涨价


White before February Chinese medicine market 】 【 evodia rutaecarpa shortage of large price increases

2017-03-10 07:50:05来源: 亿邦动力网


[editor's note 】 this report released by sig Chinese medicine network authorization billion state power network. Sig pharmaceutical industry in our country, bozhou in anhui, hebei amara, yulin, guangxi LianQiao chengdu lotus pond, hunan, guangdong puning six big market to set up the data to collect respectively, and the professional acquisition controller is responsible for the daily price data collection, and then collect data for science and the weighted average of the calculated sig? China's traditional Chinese medicine price index. This report mainly on sig? Chinese medicinal herbs (price) index were analyzed, and resolved in February in the change of price index (below the price index, if not specified, the default for price index). And the sig? Price of Chinese medicinal herbs (month) index is analyzed, in order to understand this month index of average level. This report for monitoring of: February 28 February 9 ~. 1. In February, the relatively active small, hot spots appear frequently, and large variety go smooth pin, index concussion rise, slightly upward momentum. Years...