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Original Chinese guest balance cycling

2017-08-18 16:32:30来源: DoNews


USA today has described americans life: a day in the morning, one in three of the alarm clock wake up americans wake up with a "made in China"; Go to the bathroom, the inside of the plastic barrier, scales, hair curler and hair dryer is mostly produced in China; Go to work to wear clothes with 17% is "made in China"; Office table wooden boxes, all kinds of books in a small stationery is also from China. Before you go to sleep at night, need to close the desk lamp or desk lamp of droplight about half are "made in China". This description have apparently can't fully reflect the situation of today. "Made in China" in overseas has been extending from technology to clothing, tools, equipment and product configuration to high-end, from low value-added to high added value, and innovation, the international image of China. At the same time, some enterprises in the continuous efforts, to achieve from "made in China" to "Chinese intellectual" transformation, guest balance cycling is one of them. In foreign families, a popular guest balance cycling...