新关注 > 信息聚合 > 萌你一脸血 白女侠玩转《口袋妖怪》手游

萌你一脸血 白女侠玩转《口袋妖怪》手游

Meng you face blood white woman fun "Pokemon" tour

2015-09-30 01:23:15来源: 17173

任天堂与DeNA合作的首款手游《Pokemon Shuffle mobile》(口袋妖怪)在日本苹果商店上架后,有许多小伙伴私信女侠(微博)询问如何能玩到,最近这个问题不要担心啦!咱们的苹果商店已经上架了,虽然只有英文版,但是作为一款三消游戏,英文什么的根本不要紧嘛,你看女侠这种英语不及...

Nintendo and Dena, cooperation of first hand tour "Pokemon" shuffle "mobile" (Pokemon) in Japanese Apple store shelves after, there are many small partners private letter woman (microblogging) asked how to play to recently the problem, don't worry!!! Our apple store has shelves, although only in English, but as a Sanxiao game, English what don't tight thing, you see this woman English late...

标签: 手游