新关注 > 信息聚合 > “混战”中的长租公寓,复杂的深圳市场


"Free-for-all of rent the apartment, complex market in shenzhen

2018-12-14 13:22:00来源: 亿欧

时已立冬,深圳仍透着暖意。福田区原景田综合市场改造项目内,一栋经过改造的大楼外观簇新,内部装修与布置亦别有洞天。除智能家居、便利设施等硬件外,阳光大窗等温馨设计,则是其 " 软件 "。与附近 30 平方米左右公寓 3000 元出头的租金相比,这里的单间价格虽超过 4000 元,出租情况仍相对不错。随着一线城市地价飙涨、房价攀升、购房门槛升级,租赁市场逐渐超越新房市场。与此同时,国家大力鼓励发展租赁市场,商改租等政策红利不断刺激,这类直击传统租房市场诸多 " 痛点 " 的长租公寓,正在成为资本、地产商及政府等多方布局与关注的新概念。在发展最为快速的深圳,则...

Is the beginning of winter, shenzhen is still warm. Futian district original ganten comprehensive market reform project, a converted building brand-new appearance, internal decorate and decorate also see a new world. In addition to the smart home, convenient facilities such as hardware, large window sunshine and warmth, is its & quot; Software & quot; . With 30 square metre apartment near, compared to $3000 in rent the room price is more than 4000 yuan, rental situation is still relatively good. As a line of urban land prices soared, rising house prices, purchase threshold upgrades, rental market is gradually beyond the housing market. At the same time, the state vigorously encourage the development of leasing market, traders to rent and so on dividend policy stimulus, such as hitting the traditional rental market many & quot; Pain points & quot; Rent the apartment, is becoming a capital, property developers and government, layout and focus on the new concept. In the most rapid development of shenzhen,...