新关注 > 信息聚合 > 外媒称三星Galaxy S10将会拥有陶瓷机身版本丨达观数据获1.6亿元B轮融资【Do说】

外媒称三星Galaxy S10将会拥有陶瓷机身版本丨达观数据获1.6亿元B轮融资【Do说】

Foreign media said that samsung Galaxy S10 version will have ceramic body 丨 resilience data received $160 million B round said 【 Do 】

2018-11-22 17:26:08来源: DoNews

 【外媒称三星Galaxy S10将会拥有陶瓷机身版本】据外媒报道,三星S10将会根据屏幕大小、不同颜色、不同机身材质而至少分为4个版本,除了流行的金属与玻璃设计之外,外媒表示最顶级的Galaxy S10还将拥有陶瓷版本。 【T-Mobile完成首轮低频段5G数据传输测试,将于2020年商用】据外媒报道,美国运营商T-Mobile近期宣布,已与诺基亚合作完成了全球首个 600MHz 频谱的 5G 数据传输。据T-Mobile官方介绍,这一低频段技术,能够实现单塔覆盖数百平方英里,并表示该技术会在2020年投入使用。【ofo:多地办公室人去楼空为不实报道,不放弃地方市场】ofo今日发布官方声明称...

The foreign media said samsung Galaxy S10 will have ceramic body version 】 according to foreign media reports, samsung S10 will according to the screen size, different color, different body material and at least is divided into 4 version, in addition to the popular design of metal and glass, foreign media said the top of the Galaxy S10 version will also have ceramics. [5 g t-mobile to complete the first round of low frequency data transmission test, will commercial 】 in 2020, according to foreign media reports, the operator t-mobile recently announced, has been the world's first collaboration with nokia 600 MHZ spectrum 5 g of data transmission. , t-mobile official said that low frequency technology, to realize double cover hundreds of square miles, and says the technology will be put into use in 2020. 【 ofo: : more empty office for false reports, don't give up the local market 】 ofo: today's official statement said...

标签: 三星