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CJ热浪翻涌 三国杀友谊战舰酷炫弄潮回顾

CJ wave crest War Within Three Kingdoms cool Nongchao battleship friendship review

2016-08-04 09:20:20来源: 17173

“主公可开船否?” “可!” 2016年度ChinaJoy开幕式上,这两道震撼整个会场的声浪定然令人终生难忘。 战鼓隆隆中,汹涌的人潮涌向游卡“三国杀”的展台,将其包围得水泄不通,历年来一直是ChinaJoy人气担当的“三国杀”展台,今年更是气场全开,一艘友谊的战舰带你驶向激...

"The Lord can sail?" "Can!" The 2016 annual ChinaJoy opening ceremony, the two shook the venue of the wave must be unforgettable. The drums of war, surging crowds flocked to the tour card "War Within Three Kingdoms" booth, be surrounded watertightly, over the years has been popular ChinaJoy as "War Within Three Kingdoms" booth, and this year is a gas field full of friendship, the battleship to steer you excited...