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蚂蚁金服 x 机器之心,带你看云栖大会最 High 的马拉松开发者大赛

The ant gold take the heart of the X-ray machine, take you to see the cloud conference most High marathon competition developers

2017-10-13 12:19:53来源: DoNews

在马云宣布斥资 1000 亿成立「达摩院」的云栖大会第二天,一场关于支付宝小程序的编程马拉松热闹开启。作为本届云栖大会的亮点之一,由蚂蚁金服主办、机器之心承办的「ATEC 开发者大赛」以「金融科技,未来生活」为主题,依托支付宝小程序为开发基础,鼓励开发者通过支付宝小程序,并充分结合蚂蚁金服提供的各项能力(包括移动支付、担保交易、芝麻信用、花呗、保险等金融服务等),为用户提供改善日常金融生活的应用体验。早在今年 9 月 20 日,支付宝小程序在面向开发者公测一个月后开始面向用户公测,正式拉开与微信小程序竞争的序幕。此时,距微信小程序推出已有一年时间,但微信上除摩拜、ofo、饿了么等头部程序外,大...

In ma announced the formation of a $100 billion "dharma" the cloud conference the next day, a programming on alipay applet marathon lively open. As one of the highlight of this conference on the cloud, sponsored by the ant gold suit, the heart of the machine to undertake "ATEC developer contest" to "financial technology, future life" as the theme, relying on alipay small program for the development of the foundation, to encourage developers through the pay treasure to small programs, and fully combined the ant gold dress provides the ability (including mobile payment, guarantees, credit sesame, bai, insurance and other financial services, etc.), to provide users with application experience to improve financial daily life. As early as this year on September 20, pay treasure to small program for developers to open beta after a month to user-oriented open beta, officially opened the prelude to compete with WeChat applet. At this point, the distance WeChat small program launch for a year, but in addition to worship, ofo: WeChat, hungry? Head outside the program, such as big...