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分众传媒江南春:成功品牌要么封杀品类 要么封杀特性

Focus media jiang: successful brand or blocked category Either block feature

2017-04-27 22:47:09来源: DoNews

DoNews4月27日消息(记者 翟继茹)在GMIC北京2017大会上,分众传媒董事长江南春在会上发表了题为《移动互联网时代的心智引爆》的主题演讲。江南春认为,在移动互联网信息爆炸的时代,打开消费者心智要做到四点:一是找到了非常差异化的定位;二是抓住特定的时间窗口;三是在时间窗口中获取饱和性的攻击;四是你在消费者心智中占据了一个独特的词。在江南春看来,市场中成功的品牌要么是封杀了品类,要么是封杀了特性。他举例称,“烤鸭我就吃全聚德,果冻我就吃喜之郎,要租车找神州,所以大家可以看看,你还能怎么封杀这个品类当中的代言词。”所以,当品牌在品类上无法做到封杀时,就要找特性,找差异化。另一方面,当流量成...

DoNews4 27 news (reporter ZhaiJiRu) in GMIC Beijing 2017 conference, focus media, chairman jiang issued at the meeting entitled mental detonated in the mobile Internet era "the theme of the speech. Jiang believes that in the mobile Internet era of information explosion, open the consumers' mind to do four things: one is to find a very differentiated positioning, 2 it is to seize a specific time window; Three is in the time window for saturation attack; Four is you in the consumers mind occupies a unique word. In Mr. Jiang's view, successful brand in the market are either banned category, or is banned. For example, he said, "I eat quanjude roast duck, I ate pleased lang jelly, to rent a car for the shenzhou, so everybody can see, how can you kill the generation of category words." So when the brand in the category can't block, will find features, looking for differentiation. On the other hand, when traffic...