新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016重庆3 15网络晚会即将开启 玩手机游戏现金红..

2016重庆3 15网络晚会即将开启 玩手机游戏现金红..

2016 chongqing 3 15 network the opening of the party to play mobile game cash red..

2016-03-11 11:12:24来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 你是否想要一边玩游戏一边了解消费维权知识?还可以拿红包拿到手软?现在,机会就来啦!记者从重庆3 15网络晚会组委会了解到,今年重庆3 15网络晚会将于3月14日晚8点全城直播,同时,今年晚会主办方还推出了好玩的《血拼疯狂连》手机小游戏,该游戏于今日上午10时正式上线,活动将持续...

【 abstract 】 if you want to understand consumer rights protection knowledge while playing games? Can also take a red envelope to be? Now, the opportunity is coming! The reporter understands from the organizing committee of the chongqing 3 15 network party, chongqing 3 15 network party this year on March 14, 8 PM live all over the city, at the same time, this year the party organisers also launched a fun "crazy shopping even mobile phone game, the game was officially launched at 10 am today, the activities will be continued...

标签: 游戏