新关注 > 信息聚合 > QQ兴趣部落“心赏之夜”:娱乐圈高颜值的鲜肉小花都到了


QQ interest tribe "heart enjoy night" : high levels of fresh flower appearance came entertainment

2018-01-12 19:25:42来源: DoNews

1月11日晚,QQ兴趣部落“心赏之夜”在北京AMG LIVE成功举行,作为腾讯在布局社群生态的重要平台,QQ兴趣部落自上线以来,以兴趣为核心枢纽,成为年轻用户的聚集地。此次活动,张一山、黄景瑜、文淇、阚清子、安悦溪、蓝盈莹等众多年轻鲜肉小花惊艳亮相,引起活动现场的粉丝们一阵阵尖叫。王广允、养鸡YOUNG-G、胡夏等带来的精彩表演,更是不断掀起活动的高潮。盛会结束,荣誉名单也随之新鲜出炉!首席兴趣官——张大大超人气主持张大大此次也来到兴趣部落“心赏之夜”现场,并担任现场主持工作。此外,也获得了官方授予的“首席兴趣官”的殊荣。年度“心”赏实力演员——张一山从《余罪》到《春风十里不如你》再到《柒个我...

Interest in late January 11, QQ tribe "heart enjoy night" AMG LIVE successfully held in Beijing, as an important platform, tencent in the layout of community ecology QQ tribal interest since its launch, with interest as the core hub, become younger users. This activity, yishan zhang, Huang Jingyu, Wen Qi, KanQingZi, AnYueXi, blue surplus jade-like stone, and many other young fresh flower stunning appearance, cause activities on-site fans screaming. Wang Guangyun, chicken YOUNG - G, Hu Xia performances, but also continuously lift activity climax. Games ended, honor list so fresh! Chief interest officer - a wildly popular host greatly greatly came interested in this tribe "heart enjoy night scene, and work as the host. In addition, also received official awarded the "chief officer," the title. Annual "heart" of the reward power actors - yishan zhang from the more sin to the spring breeze excited as you to the retailer, a I...