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Tmall try directional brand merchants: beware of fake and brush single

2015-03-04 10:03:28来源: 新浪

文/王如晨 昨天(3月2日),天猫公布了2015年的招商政策,3月9日开始实施。最核心的点是:天猫招商口径会收紧,尝试定向品牌招商。你应该知道,今年元旦假期刚过,天猫曾经急打刷单,而这一次似乎动作更大。今天,好几个商家微信群都在讨论。 也是,天猫总量和增长都不错,如此“折腾”不是...

article / Wang Ruchen yesterday (March 2nd), Tmall announced in 2015 the investment policy, implemented in March 9th. The core point is: Tmall merchants caliber will tighten, try directional brand investment. You should know, the New Year holiday just passed, Tmall once hurry scalping, but this one seems more action. Today, several businesses WeChat group in the discussion. Also, Tmall amount and growth are good, so "toss" is not...

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