新关注 > 信息聚合 > 品牌公寓市场,能否诞生“天猫”级平台?


Brand apartment market, whether born "Tmall" class platform?

2016-07-28 10:52:44来源: DoNews

无论是2016年热播的电视剧《欢乐颂》还是此前的情景剧《爱情公寓》,演绎的都是年轻人在品牌公寓里过着丰富而体面的小日子。近年来,品牌公寓由小众的海归高管下沉到相对大众化的白领人群,是消费升级的典型产物,对于愿意以工资的三分之一用来交房租的白领来说,从群租房过渡到品牌公寓再买房,是相对理想的迁徙路线。7月初,58集团CEO姚劲波在中国品牌公寓高峰论坛上表示:“根据58同城的数据,中国的房屋空置率超过25%,保守估计,未来中国会有20%的人租住在有标准服务的品牌公寓。”其言外之意是, 长租已变成一个存量市场,开发商暂未出售或自持的房子、业主用来投资的房源等,很多都会被专业的租赁团队打包为公寓产品出...

Both hit TV series "ode to joy" in 2016 and after the sitcom "love apartment", deduce the are young people in the brand apartment lived a rich and decent life. In recent years, the brand by small apartment expat executives sinking to relatively popular white-collar crowd, is a typical product of consumption upgrade, the willing to pay a third of the white-collar workers to pay the rent, transition from accommodation to brand again to buy a house, apartment is a relatively ideal migration route. In early July, 58 group CEO Yao Jinbo brand flat peak BBS in China, said: "according to the data of 58 city, China's housing vacancy rate of more than 25%, a conservative estimate, the future China will have 20% of the people who in a brand with standard service apartment." Will be destroyed by implication is that the lease has become a stock market, temporarily not sell or self sustaining house developers and owners to invest housing, many will be professional leasing team packaging products for flat out...

标签: 天猫