新关注 > 信息聚合 > 数码宝贝复刻手游《超级数码暴龙》 1月20日正式..

数码宝贝复刻手游《超级数码暴龙》 1月20日正式..

Digital baby mobile game and name it "super digital tyrannosaurus" on January 20, the official..

2016-01-15 20:32:02来源: 4399

经典动漫数码宝贝复刻手游《超级数码暴龙》将于1月20日在全渠道正式上线,让掌上移动端成为一个穿梭时空之门,让每一位喜爱数码宝贝的玩家们都能重回童年记忆中的那个数码世界! 《超级数码暴龙》突破传统卡牌玩法,一改无脑推图的传统模式,结合多种创新颠覆式玩法,为卡牌手游带来不一样的新风尚!在这...

Classic cartoon digital baby mobile game and name it "super digital tyrannosaurus" on January 20, officially launched in all channels, and let the door of the hand-held mobile terminal to become a traveling, let every love digital baby players can return to childhood memories of the digital world! "Super digital tyrannosaurus" breaks through traditional card game, change the traditional mode in the mindless push figure, combined with a variety of innovative subvert our play, bring swim card player is not the same as new fashion! In this...

标签: 手游