新关注 > 信息聚合 > 备战时刻即将来临!Maxwell战使命召唤OL


To prepare for the coming time! Maxwell war call of duty OL

2015-01-06 17:54:38来源: 太平洋电脑网

提起《使命召唤》的大名,不论FPS的铁杆粉丝还是对FPS有恐惧症的玩家都应该对其有所耳闻。动视暴雪旗下的《使命召唤》无疑是FPS界中的金字招牌,好莱坞电影般的画面也深受广大玩家的喜爱。如今,《使命召唤OL》来到了中国,并由腾讯代理运营,在前段时间,这款游戏已经启动了游戏内测。 游戏内...

mention "call of duty" name, whether FPS or FPS fans to the phobic game player should have heard of it. Activision Blizzard's "call of duty" is undoubtedly the FPS sector in a gilded signboard, Hollywood movie like scenes but also by the majority of game player favorite. Now, "call of duty" to Chinese OL, and by the Tencent agency operations, in some time ago, the game had started the game online. In the game...