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"Miracle MU" fantasy Knight advanced analysis equipment

2015-11-25 11:48:34来源: 新浪

导语:前面的文章我们已经大概了解了梦幻骑士的技能还有角色特点,今天小编再为大家扒一扒内测版本中梦幻骑士的装备特色,也不枉小编玩了那么好几天的测试啊。 首先,梦幻骑士是一个在半路上杀出来的独特职业,能获得如此高的期待肯定有其独特的风格。提到梦幻骑士的装备,一定是得重点讲讲梦幻骑士那拉轰...

Lead: the front we have to understand about the fantasy Knight skills and character today Xiaobian to everyone pa pa a beta version of the dream Knights of specialty equipment, also not in vain Xiaobian play so good a few days of testing. First of all, the dream knight is a way to kill out of a unique career, to get such a high look must have its unique style. That dream knight equipment must have focus on fantasy Knight NARAC detonation...