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LOLS5赛季总决赛首战失利 LGD血崩原因盘点

After LOLS5 season finals opener defeat LGD metrorrhagia inventory

2015-10-09 11:22:12来源: 科技讯

国庆期间《英雄联盟》S5赛季全球总决赛小组赛第一轮结束后,中国队的粉丝们一直处于低迷状态当中,此次比赛可以说是中国电竞史上的惨败,EDG战队2胜1负出线形势还算较为稳定,IG战队1胜2负出线形势严峻,而作为今年夏季赛的LPL冠军LGD战队第一轮接连输给了OG、KT、TSM 【科技讯】...

during the national day of the League of legends S5 season world finals team tournament in the first round of the end, for fans of the Chinese team has been in the doldrums, the game can be said that the history of Chinese gaming fiasco, EDG team 2 wins and 1 negative qualifying situation is still relatively stable, Ig team 1 wins 2 negative qualifying situation is grim, and as the summer tournament champion of LPL LGD team first round lost a series of og, KT, TSM [technology news].

标签: LOL